Friday, March 1, 2013

Rationale for Dental Implants

The ideal goal of modern dentistry is to restore the patient to normal contour, function, comfort, esthetics, speech and health.
What makes implant dentistry unique is the ability to achieve this ideal goal regardless of the disease, atrophy or injury to the mouth. However, the more teeth a patient is missing, the more challenging the task becomes.

More than 700,000 implants are placed each year.  The number of implants continues to increase steadily, with more than $150 million of implant products sold in a year.

The increased need and use of implant related treatments result from the combined effect of  a number of factors-

-An aging population living longer
-Tooth loss related to age
-Consequences of fixed prosthesis failure
-Anatomical consequences of edentulism
-Poor performance of removable prosthesis
-Psychological aspects of tooth loss and needs of aging baby boomers
-Predictable long term results of implant supported prostheses
-Advantages of implant-supported prostheses

Implant prosthesis may return the function to near normal limits compared to 60% of function with wearing a denture.  Implants stimulates the bone and maintains dimension in a manner similar to healthy natural teeth As a result, facial features are not compromised.  Implant-retained restoration does not require soft tissue support and improves oral comfort.

"Implant prostheses offer a more predictable treatment course than traditional restorations"  says Dr Cherukuri from her Chino, California practice. Thus the profession and the public are becoming aware of this dental discipline.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog by ChinoSmile. Though I had trouble in reading your blog clearly because of the black text and dark background. Otherwise you have shared very informative information.

    Rebecca Cleda
    Las Vegas Implant Dentist
